
The Infuriating Case of the Vanishing Funds ad infinitum

If anyone reads this blog, which in its infancy is unlikely due to the sparse population of posts and the monotony of the subject matter thus far, they will no doubt be familiar, perhaps even avid readers of, the credit card fiasco. This will be the last post on this matter unless something very dramatic happens because as you will see this post can be read over an over again until all I have to say about it will be done.

Picture me calm and composed receiving my credit card bill and not really paying attention; then picture me enraged, spitting fire, eyes bulging, red in the face spouting the most colourful expletives I know and a few I made up (which were rather funny actually and good for another blog post). Well these are the scenes in my lounge before and after I noticed that I had not been credited the charges I incurred reclaiming my bank account and the further interest incurred from the original credit card fraud.

So, I ring up the credit card company, explain the situation and I am told that my account is in credit and that if I wish to receive the money I merely have to pay it in to my bank account using the credit card. But, that'll incur a further charge I say, well thats the deal they say. Sigh.

I'm currently pending some settlement at a higher source within the company, but in reality I expect to be repeating the following process gradually reducing the amount I owe expending much time and energy until I feel comfortable writing off the loss:

1. Pay money in to my bank using credit card to claim back credit card refund.
2. Incur charge for using credit card in step 1.
3. Receive credit card refund.
4. Go to 1.

Fucking hell.

1 comment:

Johnny M said...

The only people never to cause me any trouble are Egg. All web-based, all very well-run and they get back to you when they say they will. Plus, they have had reasonable security from the start. I'm currently switching from the bastards (unnamed) above to Egg Money as a replacement for the card I've had trouble with. In addition to the one I already have with them.